Projects as Profit Centers – Part 2

by Cornelius Fichtner

This is part 2 of the projects as profit centers webinar with Oliver Lehman. Cornelius and Oliver discuss how the world of project management is undergoing a fundamental change – a collaborative revolution: Projects that would have been done internally in the past are more and more given to external contractors, who in turn may use subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, building complex project supply networks (PSNs).

This cross-corporate way of doing projects is the market for professionals in project business.

Based on specific expertise and assets, they have the intention to serve their project customers, make them happy, but also need to be profitable and consider cash flow. Project business is a high-risk business for all parties involved.

In the webinar, Oliver provides his insights into the specific challenges of doing Project Business and provides an example for methods managing it like Benefit Engineering.


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Source: PM Podcast


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