Ruth Pearce joins PMWorld 360 Magazine and covers communication and stakeholder management

by Ruth Pearce

Ruth Pearce | Contributor for PMWorld 360 MagazinePMWorld 360 would like to announce that Ruth Pearce has joined our all-star team of certified project management contributors.

Ruth Pearce, JD, PMP, PMI-ACP, ITIL ACC is the founder of Project Motivator(ALLE LLC) and is a certified coach trainer. She is the author of Be A Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management. Ruth has 25 years of project and program management experience in financial services, state government and non-profits, working with teams across the globe. Her focus is on developing project management skills in human factors enabling them to build empowered and engaged teams that deliver. Ruth writes about communication and stakeholder management.



About PMWorld 360 Magazine

PMWorld 360 Magazine is a digital project management and leadership magazine that provides business key decision makers with a 360-degree view of the management world from the perspective of trusted, certified project management professionals. We share best practices, opinions and advice, project management and related product reviews, new industry developments, resources and more to help busy decision makers and business professionals make the best possible decisions to meet their strategic objectives.

At PMWorld 360, our aim is to provide business leaders and professionals with a 360-degree view into all aspects of project management and leadership.

PMWorld 360 content is created by a diverse all-star team of global expert project management professionals. All of our contributing experts are highly experienced Project Management Institute (PMI) certified professionals with extensive and impressive backgrounds.

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